Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So here’s gonna be the first thing that’s like a normal blog.
This weekend I got food poisoning and I thought I was gonna die, at one point I hoped I would, at another I told Yvonne I was gonna kill her for being the one who gave it to me. It wasn’t her fault though; it was Papa Murphy pizza that was the culprit. I didn’t feel like going to tell the folks at the store how they took 2 days of my life away from me, but I was curious, so I put this ad on Craigslist.

Just wondering if anyone else got food poisoning from Papa Murphy’s in Liberty Lake lately.

And here is the response from some guy.

Have you no life at all? It is only obvious that dumb fuck kids work their and don't clean the food prep areas properly because they are too busy texting and watching the clock tic by until they can get off work and go fuck their boy freinds or girl freinds, yet another group which is growing in size are those who can't get a girl freind and so they watch the clock so they can hurry back to the comp to post their troll drivel on CL.

So in short, it does not surprise me, and fuck you.


Psychopath:mentally ill or unstable person; especially: a person affected with antisocial personality disorder

This guy is clearly a psychopath. The hatred is just thick. What does he hate me for? I deserve to be sick because I bought food from a place that sells food? That pretty much means the end of society doesn’t it? You don’t suppose this guy only eats what he kills or grows himself. Not likely, or he wouldn’t have the time to spew his hatred on the internet. I love the irony of how he hates people who post on Craigslist. That’s himself. Man, this dude needs to be in a loony bin before he hurts someone. This sort of thing really makes me feel like there is no hope for the human race. One of the things I have noticed about the internet is that the process of de-evolution happens so rapidly. Any of the sites I have seen where anyone is allowed to post eventually degrade to where you get this kind of thing. I used to read Rants and Raves all the time, but it has reached that point now, there is no useful content, just powerless, sad, little men whose only pleasure is from anonymous abuse of others.

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